Sidra Tariq

Sidra Tariq is Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: India, China, modernization, security, power, maritime power, foreign policy, South Asia, alliances, IOR, arms race, power projection


The substantial economic growth of India and China has compelled them to modernize their forces in order to ensure security and to project power in various regions. For many years, India’s foreign policy and defence outlook remained land-centric. Conversely, the role of Indian Navy largely remained limited due to delayed modernization and lack of doctrinal direction. However, certain recent developments in India’s geo-strategic role in greater Asia have altered its position in the global strategic milieu. With the Indian and Chinese attainment of sophisticated and modern weapons, there is a general perception that the two states are entering into an arms race. The interactive rivalry often results in erosion of confidence, diminution of cooperation and poses a greater danger of war between leading states. The present Sino-Indian relationship is a combination of both balance of power and economic cooperation. The on-going military modernization in India and China has been an expected development which has been a consequence of their mounting economic and political might aiming at power projection. Even though the present relationship between them has not been perfectly symmetrical or without mistrust, an outright war does not seem likely between them. If the political and military leadership of both states are able to continue basic cooperation, then the chance of an arms race will be considerably reduced. This paper is divided into four major sections. 1962 Sino-Indian War: Impact on Relationship; India’s Military Modernization; China’s Military Modernization, and Sino-Indian Military Build-up: Power Projection or an Arms Race?

First Published

June 25, 2015

How to Cite

Sidra Tariq, “Indian and Chinese Military Modernization – a Means to Power Projection,” Regional Studies 33, no.3 (Summer 2015): 3-38,


Volume 33, Issue 3