Muhammad Nawaz Khan and Khalid H. Chandio

Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Khan is a Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Islamabad.
Mr. Khalid H. Chandio is a Research Fellow at IPRI, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: India, Pakistan, diaspora, comparison in the West, US-India Political Action Committee (USINPAC), lobbying


Pakistani and Indian diasporas are gaining more importance as their respective countries strive for a new posture in the international arena. These diasporas enable their respective countries to project positive aspects abroad, build trust, and shape perceptions that could encourage cooperation from the international community. The Indian diaspora has a significant presence in Western governments, think tanks, media,corporate businesses, and universities to influence policymakers in favour of New Delhi as compared to the Pakistani diaspora, which is missing from such important forums. Despite tremendous potential, the Pakistani diaspora in the West is disorganised and directionless. The potential of the Pakistani diaspora has been underutilised, causing avacuum and delinking the efforts of Pakistan from its diaspora abroad vis-à-vis matters relating to Pakistan in an institutionalised way that may have steadily helped in flexing muscles on the diplomatic horizon. Little attention has been given in Pakistani literature to utilising the potential of the Pakistani diaspora, especially for narrative building, which is impacting Pakistan’s image at the international level.Qualitative research based on a secondary but scientific review of academic sources is used to explore how the Indian diaspora is successfully strengthening positive aspects, building trust and shaping perceptions of India abroad, and how the Pakistani diaspora can play an effective role in cementing mutually beneficial relations with the outside world.

First Published

July 25, 2024

How to Cite

Muhammad Nawaz Khan, and Khalid H. Chandio, “A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani and Indian Diasporas in the West,” Regional Studies 42, no. 1 (2024), 33-63,


Volume 42, Issue 1