Maryam Mastoor

Ms. Maryam Mastoor is a Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Afghanistan, peace process, Taliban US deal, South Asia, intra-Afghan dialogue


Peace in Afghanistan will certainly help in achieving some semblance of normalcy in the turbulent region of South Asia. This paper aims at elaborating upon the ongoing peace process in Afghanistan. First, it sheds some light on the factors that compelled the US and its allies to reach a peace agreement with the Taliban. Second, it analyses the salient features of the US and Taliban deal, which focuses on four main elements: ceasefire, withdrawal of the foreign troops, intra-Afghan dialogue, and counterterrorism assurances. Finally, the paper touches upon the characteristic attributes of Afghanistan that will impact the intra-Afghan dialogue. In the backdrop of intra[1]Afghan dialogue, there can be two emerging scenarios: either the foreign troops will completely withdraw or there will be no or partial withdrawal of troops.

First Published

June 25, 2020

How to Cite

Maryam Mastoor, “Afghanistan Peace Process: Implications for the Region,” Regional Studies 38, no.2 (Summer 2020): 24-52,


Volume 38, Issue 2