Fatima Shabbir

Ms Fatima Shabbir is an Intern at the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: The Maldives, India, China, regional security, competition, cooperation, South Asia


Small island states that are strategically located especially along the lines of communication of energy resources often find themselves in a competition between great powers. The Maldives is no exception to this as it has seen both China and India compete for exerting influence over the state. In the recent decade, The Maldives has become an integral part of China’s Maritime Silk Road which threatens Indian hegemony and interest in the South Asian region. This paper aims to uncover the diplomatic relations of the Maldives with both the states until now, understand the implications on each other as well as regional security and work towards finding areas of possible cooperation between China and India.

First Published

June 25, 2021

How to Cite

Fatima Shabbir, “Sino-Indian Competition in the Maldives: Implications for Regional Security,” Regional Studies 39, no.2 (Summer 2021): 30-42, https://regionalstudies.com.pk/wp/article/sino-indian-competition-in-the-maldives-implications-for-regional-security/


Volume 39, Issue 2