Humera Iqbal

Ms Humera Iqbal is a Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: India, Pakistan, Kashmir, ceasefire, dialogue


India’s cold response to Pakistani overtures can largely be attributed to Modi’s renewed strategy to marginalise Pakistan both at the regional and international levels. It was only after the Galwan Valley incident that killed more than a dozen Indian soldiers that New Delhi is seemed to be flexible and, thus, involved in backdoor diplomatic engagement with Islamabad. Will that negotiation be taken to its meaningful end? The answer to this question remains as uncertain as it was in the past. India is not going to bring a reasonable change in the situation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as demanded by Pakistan. Since Pakistan has made this demand non-negotiable and India’s recent engagement was born out of the necessity of changing regional dynamics which appear to be faded away, the future of bilateral talks is highly uncertain. To keep the ball rolling, both states, especially India, would need to show some ownership of the process. As of now, there is little to no scope of normalisation between the two countries.

First Published

June 25, 2021

How to Cite

Humera Iqbal, “Can India and Pakistan Overcome the Past?” Regional Studies 39, no.2 (Summer 2021) : 3-14,


Volume 39, Issue 2