Al Amin and Rabeya Bosri Chandni

Mr Al Amin and Ms Rabeya Bosri Chandni are Lecturers in the Department of Political Science at the Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: military regime, authoritarian regime consolidation, clientelism, ceasefire capitalism, ethnonationalism, ideology, authoritarian constitutionalism


Military government in Myanmar is often considered most durable and powerful military rule in the world. Since 1962, the Junta has been ruling the country facing a lot of internal and external challenges and succeeded to consolidate its rule under various titles (Burma Socialist Programme Party , State Law and Order Restoration Council, and State Peace and Development Council) until 2011. This paper attempts to find out the distinctive factors that contributed to the military’s ability to prolong its rule using authoritarian regime consolidation theory. It argues that the junta had strengthened its regime by applying a series of management policies such as establishing patronage network with different civilian sections of people, emphasising national ideology, directing coercive mechanism against anti-government forces, launching educational propaganda, applying media censorship, establishing a monopoly of power under a self-written Constitution, receiving external aid and assistance, etc. It is wholly a qualitative work based on secondary data sources and follows the historical and content analysis approach.

First Published

December 25, 2021

How to Cite

Al Amin and Rabeya Rabeya Bosri Chandni, “Military Rule in Myanmar: Through the Landscape of Authoritarian Power in Consolidation,” Regional Studies 39, no.4 (Winter 2021): 14-46,


Volume 39, Issue 4