Asma Yaqoob

Asma Yaqoob is Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Dams,  water resource management, China, GBM, environmental hazards, India, China, policies, Pakistan, socio-environmental risks


In terms of the number of dams in operation, under construction, or planned, India and China are the two most active countries in the world. The basic goals of dam construction are irrigation, flood control, and hydropower generating. However, the primary motive for mega-dam projects in both India and China is economic development, which they associate with big water reservoirs and high levels of hydropower generation. Environmentalists and human rights campaigners both within and outside the area have harshly criticised China and India for the ecological losses and significant civilian displacements caused by dam development. China is the top dam-building nation in the world, with 22,000 major dams, while India ranks third with over 4,000 large dams, trailing only the United States, which has 6,390 large dams. According to the National Energy Statistics, China is the world’s greatest hydropower user, with 230 GW of installed capacity. China, India, the United States, and Pakistan account for more than half of the world’s total irrigated land. China and India have the most people displaced as a result of dam construction.

First Published

March 25, 2013

How to Cite

Asma Yaqoob, “Dam-Building in India and China – Lessons Learnt,” Regional Studies 31, no.2 (Spring 2013): 3-45,


Volume 31, Issue 2