Naveed Khaliq Ansaree

Air Commodore (Retd) Naveed Khaliq Ansaree is pursuing PhD studies at the International Relations Department, Karachi University.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Security issues, Water, Food, Energy, GWoT, security, nuclear plants, global warming, religion, cause and effects, global peace


The contemporary world is facing multiple security issues that sow discord among the states and across the globe as a whole. This paper would focus on several of these threats: Food, Water, and Energy insecurity, and on the Global War on Terror (GWOT). It will also discuss the Islamophobia prevailing in the world and the global economic contraction. Special emphasis will be laid out for climate change with regards to global warming and nuclear safety and security measures, including disposal of nuclear waste. The threats under discussion may appear distinct in the theoretical framework and represent different elements of peace and security, economics, culture, and religion, but in a strategic sense, they are interlinked in a template of “Cause and Effect.” While the underlying reasons may differ, the impact produced is the same. In this case, the common effect that connects the dots and runs through the various elements discussed in the article is “instability, anarchy, and chaos.” If these threats are not effectively managed globally and institutionally, they may exacerbate the global security dilemma and turn “brush fires into wild fires,” resulting in intra-state, inter-state, or regional conflicts, endangering global peace and security

First Published

September 25, 2013

How to Cite

Naveed Khaliq Ansaree, “Emerging Threats to Global Peace and Security,” Regional Studies 31, no.4 (Autumn 2013): 21-42,


Volume 31, Issue 4