Humera Iqbal

Humera Iqbal is an Assistant Research Officer at the Institute of Regional Studies.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Bonn Agreement, Afghanistan, ISAF, ANSF, withdrawal, political, security, economic, repercussions


Beginning with the Bonn Agreement in 2001, a significant period in Afghanistan’s history began. Afghanistan is currently beginning a brand-new, difficult chapter. The security transition process, which started in 2010 with the withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from Afghanistan, has finally advanced as of the end of 2014. Afghanistan’s National Security Forces (ANSF) are doing everything in their power to maintain and assume responsibility for the security of the nation as a result of the security transition. Concerns about the ANSF’s limited capacity to fight militants in the future and the dispute over ISAF’s exit process have not only irritated Afghan leaders but also instilled anxiety in the hearts and minds of Afghans about their own existence. In crucial areas of high-profile nature, a transitional period has been laid out. Afghanistan will see four significant transitions, three of which are political, security, and economic. In addition to the lack of aid provided to Afghans by the international community, a fourth transition of a humanitarian nature has also formed as a result of these three significant transitional shifts. Each of the four transitions is connected to the others. These are of paramount importance because they increase pressure on the newly elected Afghan administration to prevent the country from disintegrating on top of the 13 years of Karzai’s legacy that it already received. The neighbours in the area would also be adversely Hence this paper discusess the challenges to the neighbouring states of Afghanistan post 2014, and will hence analyze the changing regional environment and security dielmma.

First Published

December 25, 2014

How to Cite

Humera Iqbal, “Afghanistan 2014 & Beyond: Challenges & Implications for the Neighbours,” Regional Studies 33, no.1 (Winter 2014-15): 3-44,


Volume 33, Issue 1