Regional Studies accepts submissions as research articles which must fulfil the following criteria:
– The recommended word limit for the manuscripts is 5,000 to 8,000 words [inclusive of footnotes].
– An abstract not exceeding 150-200 words and a maximum of five keywords should precede the main article.
– All sources in the article must be referenced using Chicago Manual Style (CMS) 16th Edition. The authors must reference all data as footnotes. Separate bibliography for the same is not required.
– Author’s name and institutional affiliation must be presented on a separate Cover Sheet (see the Submission Guidelines below for further reference). The main submission file must not have any personal information of the author.

Article Processing Charges (APCs): Regional Studies does not charge any financial payments from the author(s) during any stage of the publication process.    
The authors submitting their article(s) for publication are advised and requested to read and adhere to the detailed Submission Guidelines.

All contributors are expected to have carefully gone through the Regional Studies policies for authors and ensure maximum compliance. All submissions (manuscript along with the cover sheet) must be made electronically to the journal via The authors will be notified of the receipt within three working days. All further correspondences will be made through electronic mail.