Hamza Rifaat

Mr Hamzah Rifaat is an Assistant Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Afghanistan, Taliban, takeover, governance, post Taliban takeover


Since the Taliban’s ascension to power in Afghanistan in August 2021 numerous scholars, academics, and policy makers have predicted scenarios that will define the country’s future outlook. The literature on Afghanistan however, is limited to military, political, and economic scenarios prior to the 2021 Kabul takeover, which necessitates an in-depth analysis of developments and trends following the formation of the new government. This paper explores the unfolding post-September 2021 military, economic, and political scenarios in the country through the collation of data and employing a mixed-method research design to reach conclusions. It contends that Afghanistan’s stability in the post-Taliban era is inextricably linked with external factors, the actions of the Taliban, and its ability to curb extremism internally which will define its future positive or negative outlook.

First Published

September 25, 2021

How to Cite

Hamza Rifaat, “Afghanistan’s Political, Economic, and Military Scenarios after the Taliban Takeover of 2021,” Regional Studies 39, no.3 (Autumn 2021): 27-60, https://regionalstudies.com.pk/wp/article/afghanistans-political-economic-and-military-scenarios-after-the-taliban-takeover-of-2021/


Volume 39, Issue 3