Md. Shafiqul Islam

Mr Md. Safiqul Islam is a PhD candidate in Global Studies at the Institute of Global Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. He is Associate Professor (on study leave) at the Department of Political Science, University of Chittagong, Chittagong Bangladesh.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: China, Bengal, pre-European times, ancient Silk Road, Maritime Road, bilateral traditional relations, Ming dynasty, Muslim rule in Bengal, connectivity


The paper focuses on the nature of traditional relations between China and Bengal in the pre-European times. Cultural exchange, trade, and diplomatic relations between the two countries had existed since the ancient period, particularly, during the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties of China. The ancient Silk Road and Maritime Road facilitated them in establishing their cultural, commercial, and diplomatic relations. This paper finds out the nature of bilateral traditional relations between China and Bengal before European merchants came to Bengal. In particular, it explores cultural, diplomatic, and trade connectivity between the two countries in the period. The paper concludes that warm bilateral relations between China and Bengal prevailed in the period and that the regions were connected with each other through the ancient Silk Road and Maritime Road. Significantly, political and diplomatic relations between the two regions reached their highest level during the Ming dynasty of China and Muslim rule in Bengal.

First Published

September 25, 2017

How to Cite

Md. Shafiqul Islam, “China-Bengal Traditional Relations in the Pre-European Times: An Enquiry,” Regional Studies 35, no.4 (Autumn 2017): 3-28,


Volume 35, Issue 4