Shams uz Zaman

Mr Shams uz Zaman is the co-author of the book Iran and the Bomb: Nuclear Club Busted. He has also contributed chapters to Islam: A Worldwide Encyclopaedia. He holds an MPhil degree from the National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Nuclear deal, Iran, P5+1, JCPOA, IAEA, Iran-israel confrontation, missile programme, Syrian conflict, GCC, Trump administration, scrap, EU, China, Russia, instability, breakout time


The successful nuclear deal signed between Iran and P5+1 nations, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), limited Iran’s nuclear activities, placing these under the watch of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The deal has not only increased Iran’s breakout time to develop nuclear weapons to more than a decade but has also diminished the threat of Iran-Israel confrontation. The JCPOA only applies to Iran’s nuclear programme and does not take into account other issues like Iran’s missile programme and its role in the Syrian conflict. Iran has used this deal to influence the situation in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen in its favour, which antagonised several regional states, including Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. The newly elected Trump administration in Washington has threatened to scrap the JCPOA if Iran would not stop its other controversial activities, especially its missile development programme and interference in other parts of the region, including Syria, Iraq, and Palestine. Israel and Saudi Arabia are in favour of scrapping the deal and support a tougher line against Iran. The EU, China, and Russia are supportive of the deal and fear that in case the deal is terminated, it would create more instability in the region, besides encouraging Iran to resume its controversial nuclear activities, thus, drastically cutting down the breakout time to develop a nuclear device.

First Published

September 25, 2017

How to Cite

Shams uz Zaman, “Iran Nuclear Deal and its Future Under Trump Administration,” Regional Studies 35, no.4 (Autumn 2017): 52-70,


Volume 35, Issue 4