Abdul Kalam

Dr Abul Kalam is a former Professor and Chair of the Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, a former Fellow at the University of Oxford, and a Distinguished Japan Foundation Professor of International Relations at the University of Sindh.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Ocean Economy, Blue Economy, international maritime verdicts (2012/2014), maritime planning, Bangladesh,


Ocean economy planning has lately acquired urgency and spurred the concept of ‘Blue Economy’. Maritime countries like Bangladesh have evinced interest in it to safeguard and advance their oceanic destiny. Following successive international maritime verdicts (2012/2014) largely favourable to Bangladesh, it has embraced Blue Economy as a strategic approach to access the resources underneath its newly acquired oceanic possessions. However, concerns arise whether pertinent conceptual issues are appropriately appraised and managed; whether critical empirical issues are measured, and whether the actions for maritime planning currently underway represent the progression required to overcome the emerging ecosystemic threats or building of what is enshrined under the Blue Economy. With a view to evaluate such issue areas, the paper offers a fuller clarity of a sustainable ocean economy and other pertinent notions, identifies key conceptual issues, and relates them to the developmental thrusts under the Blue Economy that are currently underway. Finally, it reflects on the adaptability of the Blue Economy model, as Bangladesh pursues policies to fix its oceanic destiny. Thoughts are also offered on the challenges that may circumvent successful implementation of the Blue Economy planning in Bangladesh. Against this backdrop, the current contexts of Bangladesh’s ocean economy planning and the criteria chosen are scrutinised, underlining several cases where the projects embarked under the Blue Economy model seem incompatible with that model’s objective features and may impede sustainable ocean economy planning towards fixing the country’s maritime destiny. Tentative ideas are floated to sensitise Pakistan in its ocean economy planning.

First Published

December 25, 2017

How to Cite

Abdul Kalam, “Ocean Economy
Planning: Adaptability of the
“Blue Economy” Model in
Bangladesh Maritime Context,”
Regional Studies 36, no.1 (Winter
2018): 3-45,


Volume 36, issue 1