Khurram Maqsood Ahmad

Mr. Khurram Maqsood Ahmad is a PhD candidate at the Department of International Relations in the National Defence University, Islamabad.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Indian Nuclear Policy, prestige, domestic politics, Nehru, Gandhian, great civilisation, largest democracy


Indian nuclear policy has evolved over time through different phases of nuclear weapon development. This process has been slow but consistent. Prestige and technological factors, as well as domestic politics, have been the core drivers of Indian nuclear development along with security. These drivers have been operational during different phases of Indian nuclear development. Decision-making about Indian nuclear policy has been restricted to the top leadership, bureaucracy, and scientists. Its evolution has fluctuated between the ideologies of these actors. Nehru was a Gandhian at heart but he was pragmatic in a sense that he started the peaceful nuclear programme in India with a view that it would help India in making a nuclear weapon at a later stage when required. Although the scientists have been staunch supporters of nuclear weapons, the political leaders had been hesitant to endorse them until the perception changed about nuclear weapons and they started to be considered as a source of national prestige. The aim of the Indian nuclear policy is to correspond to the overall worldview of India as a great civilisation and its projection as the largest democracy.

First Published

December 25, 2017

How to Cite

Khurram Maqsood Khan, “The
Evolution of Indian Nuclear
Policy,” Regional Studies 36, no.1
(Winter 2018): 89-107,


Volume 36, issue 1