Aarish U. Khan

Aarish U. Khan is Research Analyst at the Institute of Regional Studies. His special interest areas include religious movements, and non-state actors and Indo-Pakistan relations.

DOI: http://DOI Number

Keywords: Manmohan Singh, Muslims in India, SCR, UPA, SRCs, communal violence, committee, socioeconomic conditions


In March 2005, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh established a committee to collect data on the Muslims of India, known as the Sachar committee, whose report served as a wake-up call regarding the plight of India’s Muslim population. Similarly, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government can take credit for the Sachar Committee Report (SCR), the first attempt to document Muslims’ socioeconomic status in comparison to other religious groups. Issues like communal violence against Muslims are outside the scope of this paper, which is focused on the socioeconomic conditions of Muslims. It provides a critical analysis of the most important findings and recommendations of the over SCR, as well as the government’s implementation of those findings and recommendations. It notes that the government has shown reluctance in implementing the key recommendations of the committee, despite having the courage to quantify and publicise the information about the deprivation of Muslims. Instead, it has focused on labelling some actions that don’t target Muslims or any particular minority group as “follow-up” to the report and implementing some minor recommendations.

First Published

December 25, 2011

How to Cite

Aarish U.Khan, “The Predicament of Muslim Empowerment in India,” Regional Studies 30, no.1 (Winter 2011-12): 38-61, https://regionalstudies.com.pk/wp/article/the-predicament-of-muslim-empowerment-in-india/


Volume 30, Issue 1